Alumapalooza 8 update
The schedule of activities is almost complete for Alumapalooza 8, to be held (as always) the week after Memorial Day on the grounds of the Airstream, Inc. factory in Jackson Center. Here’s some of the fun you can expect to experience at The Mothership,…
Airstream Fine Art Invitational
NEW during Alumapalooza 7: the First Annual Airstream Fine Art Invitational will be held at the Airstream factory in Jackson Center, Ohio. Top landscapes artists from all over the USA have been invited to display their art—much of it Airstream-related—at Airstream, Inc. “Because so…
Michael Kelsey plays Alumapalooza 7
Every Alumapalooza is different, and this year attendees will enjoy something really special: a day of festival-style live music! On Friday during Alumapalooza week—right on the field outside the Airstream factory where your trailer was made—the music will begin mid-morning and continue all day….
Blue Rooster Band at Alumapalooza 7
This year, Alumapalooza 7 will feature the hottest entertainment line-up yet! Among the acts to rock Jackson Center will be the four-man Blue Rooster Band, who play “funky blues made to stir up the henhouse”—a mix of original songs and covers of classic and contemporary…
Register for Alumapalooza on Cyber Monday…
…and receive a free t-shirt! Each couple who signs up on Nov. 30, 2015 receives one free t-shirt (or a credit for the dollar value equivalent, $19.95). When you’re shopping online on Cyber Monday, it’s the perfect time to sign up for Alumapalooza (and…