Register for Alumapalooza on Cyber Monday…
Each couple who signs up on Nov. 30, 2015 receives one free t-shirt (or a credit for the dollar value equivalent, $19.95).
When you’re shopping online on Cyber Monday, it’s the perfect time to sign up for Alumapalooza (and Alumafandango out west), and take advantage of this one-day-only offer.
Alumapalooza® is the annual event held on the grounds of The Mothership, the Airstream factory in Jackson Center, Ohio. Save the dates for Alumapalooza 7, May 31 – June 5, 2016.
You’ll recognize Alumapalooza event tees, available in both men’s and women’s styles, on Airstreamers all across the country. (Who has them all so far? Send a photo of you in your Alumapalooza shirt to!)
Sign up for five days of Airstream fun on Cyber Monday, and get an Alumapalooza® 7 tee for FREE. Click here November 30, 2016.