Happy trails, Alumapalooza attendees!
Alumapalooza 6 at The Mothership is now in the rearview mirror of 115 trailers and their owners. After a stormy Day One the black clouds parted and the sun shone on four more days of Airstream fun and camaraderie.
Airstream, Inc. President Bob Wheeler welcomed attendees; open mic night, Wally’s Silent Bullhorn, the Aluminum Gong Show and water balloon baseball were each a hilarious hit; and newbies raved about the depth of information shared at the many seminars. Most of all, Alumapalooza was—as always—about meeting, laughing, and bonding with fellow Airstreamers and experiencing the factory where our unique coaches were built by hand.
Plan now to join the fun next year. Alumapalooza—always held on the grounds of the Airstream factory in Jackson Center—will return for the seventh year in a row the week after Memorial Day, May 31 to June 5, 2016. Look forward to more (and greener) grass on the field for Alumapalooza 7, when construction work on the factory expansion is complete.
In the meantime, keep up with us on Instagram (@alumaevents), Twitter (@Alumaevents), and on the Alumapalooza Facebook page and the Alumaevents page. (Friend us…you might be the 1000th one!)