Learn from Experts

At Alumapalooza you have the opportunity to learn from the best Airstream experts available!
Experts from the factory include Dave Schumann, Customer Support General Manager; Tim Maxwell, Eastern Regional Sales Manager; and Rick March, National Service Manager Towables. This dream team will share their expertise and intimate knowledge of Airstream coaches during informative seminars about Airstream maintenance, and winterizing and de-winterizing. Bring all your questions about caring for you new model!
Can-Am RV’s Andy Thomson will have you towing like a pro! He’ll explain towing dynamics and how to set up your hitch properly for optimum performance, and host a towing Q&A session, so bring any and all questions and concerns. A long time Airstream professional from a multi-generation dealership, Andy has been setting people up with unique towing combinations for decades. If you see an Airstream being towed by anything lighter than a small SUV, chances are Andy was the guy behind the rig-up. He’s towed a 34-foot Airstream with a Jaguar, a Chrysler 310, and a mini van (and often makes a trip to the Airstream factory to pick up 23-ft trailers with a diesel Jetta)!
Jake Borens of Dexter Axle will share what you need to know about your running gear, axles, brakes, and bearings during a seminar that’s critical to the health and well-being of your Airstream.
Many newer Airstreamers aren’t aware that wheel bearing and brake maintenance is an important part of the annual service on a trailer. (Unlike your car, your Airstream can’t wait as long between checkups.) No one thinks about these systems…until they break. And that’s a bad thing.
Terry Halstead, an ASE certified master mechanic and Airstream factory-trained service tech, will cover a number of topics during his maintenance seminar. With a background of 15 years of Airstreaming experience, Terry knows his stuff: fasteners, wiring fittings, you name it. He’ll teach you how to fix “the little things” and avoid a trip to the service bay.
Jim Webb, president of Zip Dee Awnings, will guide you through the repair and maintenance of your Airstream awning. Jim has an extensive background in engineering of the awnings, and the inner workings of all the awning features. If you’re having trouble deploying your awning, you may be surprised to learn how it should be properly done!
Colin Hyde, the go-to guy for era-correct restorations has been restoring Airstream trailers to like-new condition for over a decade. At his refurbishment and restoration company, Colin Hyde Trailer Restorations, they do it all: sub flooring replacement and repair, “body off” reconstruction, cabinetry, plumbing, electrical, chassis upgrades, and axle replacements.Vintage owners will be interested in what he has to say about the antilock anti-sway braking systems being introduced to the market.Widely respected as the expert in Airstream Trailer restorations, Colin is the Vintage Airstream Club technical advisor and panel member of TheVAP (the Vintage Airstream Podcast).
Every Alumapalooza is different, so the roster of experts does change from year to year, but there’s always plenty of knowledge to be gained!