What’s the weather going to be like?

Probably the most common question we get about each upcoming Alumapalooza is, “What’s the weather going to be like?”   People generally want to know what to pack, and whether they’ll want air conditioning.  (If you want air conditioning, be sure to ask for the Generator Section when you register, and bring your generator.)

Our standard answer is that in a typical May-June week in Jackson Center, OH, you’ll experience every kind of weather except snow.  We usually have a mix of sun, clouds, rain, fog, hot & cold, dryness & humidity, breezes & still air—and sometimes all of those in a single day!  It’s best to come prepared for everything.

This year, our friend Alex Kensington has graciously developed his best weather prognostications for Jackson Center for 28 May through 3 June.  His forecast is based on long range data issued by the NWS coop observers network, his own observations from last year, “some rolled bones, and examining entrails.”  Take this as seriously as you wish, but keep in mind that no matter what the weather, the fun continues every day!

Location: Jackson Center, Ohio 45334
40˚ 26’ 24” North,  84˚ 2’ 22” West
Elevation 1,027 Feet Above Mean Sea Level

The month of May will below average in temperature and precipitation, so conditions leading up tot the event should be favorable. Sunny skies and cooler dry air for week before will aide in set up. This is will be interrupted by scattered showers on Monday and Tuesday prior to opening. Heavy fieldwork should be completed before Saturday the 26th.

Rain will fall on Tuesday and Wednesday, but in moderate amounts. While not rendering the field too muddy to work with, slipping cars on wet grass will be an issue in getting trailers parked. Inexperienced trailerites may disturb the sod profoundly as they come in.  [Note: we always have a tractor on site to assist if anyone gets stuck coming in or out.]

Temperatures will rise by Thursday and showers may continue. Humidity and heat will be a factor by Saturday. There could be one significant T-Storm Friday afternoon or evening. Heat will continue and winds will fail by Monday and clean up will be a sweaty affair.


Alex will be providing daily weather reports and forecasts from Alumapalooza, right out of his 1965 Airstream Safari, too!